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PM Global
Infrastructure, Inc.
is uniquely qualified
to advise governments
and private sector
clients on all
matters related
to infrastructure


Demand and Pricing Strategy Evaluation

PM Global staff has also been involved in a number of demand and pricing studies for telecoms, power, transport and water sectors.

The staff is familiar with all available tools for forecasting from sophisticated computerized demand models to simpler spreadsheet models related to the elasticity of demand relative to GDP growth.

Price sensitivity and pricing strategy evaluation is also in the PM Global tool kit. This is normally based on research in actual market conditions and on survey responses for willingness to pay for different levels of service performance.





PM Global Infrastructure, Inc.
1915 Eye Streeet, NW, Suite 700 • Washington, DC 20006 • USA
Phone: 202-463-6188 • Fax: 202-223-0177

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